Okay, let’s try this again.
I wanted to go all 24 hours here on the National Hoops Report. But by 12:06 a.m., I was dead asleep on the world’s greatest coach, a place I like to call “Where Amazing Happens.”
The 24 hours of blogging was a wrap before it ever began.
The 6 a.m. wake-up call came, turned on the tube, saw the Saint Peter’s-Monmouth game on television and promptly decided that the marathon would wait a little longer to get started at NHR headquarters.
At 7:54 a.m. I checked the score and saw Rotnei Clarke, er, Saint Peters beat Monmouth 58-34.
Hello Drexel-Niagara. Watched for a couple of minutes, went to the kitchen to grab some Special K only to return to see PBS Kids on the television. My four-year-old was propped up with her one-year-old sister on “Where Amazing Happens” and I had my third loss of the young day.
The time came to take my four-year-old to pre-school (the best three hours of the day), put the one-year-old down for an early nap, reclaimed the remote, the “WAH” and settled in for a long day of basketball.
The first image I get is Bruiser Flint ripping into his team about playing defense with 1:17 to play in the second half.
Niagara will win this game.
Clemson at Liberty is next. I’ll be there for it. Join me, won’t you? Join me all day here at the National Hoops Report.
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